

We provide a range of options that fit numerous shipping needs

DTDC International Courier Parcel Service in Hyderabad

DTDC's worldwide courier service in Hyderabad

DTDC's worldwide courier service in Hyderabad is renowned for its efficiency and reliability. This service is perfect for sending parcels to distant locations, offering a range of options to suit various shipping requirements. Our commitment to customer satisfaction ensures that your international courier needs are met professionally.

DTDC stands out with its extensive network and reliable service for those searching for the nearest worldwide parcel company. Our proximity and accessibility make them a preferred choice for international courier services. DTDC offers convenience and confidence to customers who ship parcels globally from Hyderabad.

Express international delivery from Hyderabad is a hallmark of DTDC's service offerings. They understand the importance of time-sensitive shipments and offer expedited services to ensure your parcels reach their international destinations quickly and safely.

DTDC also specializes in international freight services, catering to the more substantial shipping needs of businesses in Hyderabad. Our expertise in handling international freight ensures that your cargo is transported securely and efficiently, adhering to the highest service standards.

DTDC International Courier Parcel Service in Hyderabad

International Courier Parcel Service Charges in Hyderabad

Per Box Per Kg Box Type
Rs. 976-1,881 Rs. 60-95/kg loose items Box
Rs. 1,885-2,889 Rs. 70-99/kg Books Box
Rs. 776-1,521 Rs. 55-83/kg Kitchen box
Rs. 576-1,321 Rs. 40-80/kg Cloth box

Trusted By Over 9,000+ Businesses

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DTDC Packers and Movers
DTDC Packers and Movers
DTDC Packers and Movers
DTDC Packers and Movers
DTDC Packers and Movers
DTDC Packers and Movers
DTDC Packers and Movers
DTDC Packers and Movers

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

A list frequently asked questions to help you to give answer for your question on your mind.

What are the per kg courier charges for sending an international parcel with DTDC from Hyderabad?

Ans. DTDC offers competitive pricing for international courier services from Hyderabad, with charges varying based on the destination country, parcel weight, and service type selected. For precise per kg rates, visiting the DTDC office in Hyderabad or checking their official website for the most current pricing information is recommended.

How can I find out the international courier rates with DTDC from Hyderabad?

Ans. To discover the rates for sending a courier internationally with DTDC from Hyderabad, you can directly contact DTDC's customer service or visit their nearest branch in Hyderabad. They provide up-to-date information on rates to various countries, allowing you to plan your shipment accordingly.

What is the cost of sending an international courier from Hyderabad with DTDC?

Ans. The cost of sending an international courier from Hyderabad using DTDC is determined by the package's destination, weight, and chosen shipping option. For an accurate estimate, DTDC encourages customers to consult their rate calculator on the website or contact a customer service representative.

What are the charges for sending an international parcel from Hyderabad with DTDC?

Ans. DTDC applies charges for international parcels sent from Hyderabad based on the parcel's weight, dimensions, and final destination. These charges are designed to offer value for the service, ensuring your package is delivered safely and efficiently. Visiting a DTDC branch or contacting them through their website is advisable for detailed charges.

Where can I find the price list for sending an international parcel from Hyderabad with DTDC?

Ans. For the most accurate and up-to-date price list for sending international parcels from Hyderabad with DTDC, please visit their official website or contact customer service. They offer detailed pricing based on destination, weight, and the type of service you require, ensuring transparency and helping you make informed decisions about your international shipping needs.